Sanitary bins added to men's toilets in Worthing

Released: Friday, 18 August 2023

Sanitary bins are being introduced to men's toilets in Worthing in support of a national campaign aimed at those recovering from prostate cancer.

Worthing Borough Council is backing 'Boys need Bins', an initiative created by Tackle Prostate Cancer and the charities Prostate Cancer UK and Bladder Health UK, to help men suffering from incontinence feel more comfortable in the town.

Public toilets at High Street multi-storey car park, at Sea Lane Café and opposite The Dome on the promenade are receiving sanitary bins in cubicles as part of the campaign. A sanitary bin will also be located at the Worthing Pier toilet during the summer months.

Loss of bladder control is a side effect of prostate cancer treatment and Prostate Cancer UK says many men face anxiety over what to do with their used incontinence pads when out in public.

An estimated one in eight men will get prostate cancer, with many of those prone to experiencing long-term urinary problems as a side effect of their treatment.

Sanitary bins allow men to dispose of their incontinence pads, stoma products and other hygiene waste items easily, safely and with dignity.

Cllr Vicki Wells, Worthing's Cabinet Member for the Environment, said:

“I'm really pleased that we've been able to support the Boys need Bins campaign and bring the first sanitary bins for men to the town.

“Men deserve to have the same sanitary provisions available to them as women, and I hope the additions give those recovering from prostate cancer more confidence to enjoy our town.”

Cllr Rosey Whorlow, Worthing's Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing, added:

“The introduction of sanitary bins to our men's toilets is a great step forward to helping men dispose of their hygiene items easily and safely. It's fantastic we've been able to support this great campaign.”

We are pleased to bring sanitary bins to men's public toilets for the first time and would encourage local businesses to support the campaign too.

Photo: The men's public toilets at Sea Lane Café, Goring

PR23-110 - The men's public toilets at Sea Lane Cafe, Goring

Photo: One of the new sanitary bins located inside one of the men's cubicals at the Sea Lane toilets

PR23-110 - One of the new sanitary bins located inside one of the men's cubicals at the Sea Lane toilets

Photo: The sanitary bins which have been added to men's toilets in Worthing (credit Initial)

PR23-110 - The sanitary bins which have been added to men's toilets in Worthing (credit Initial)


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Page last updated: 17 June 2024

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